
Water Safety First is a recognized affiliate of the Lifesaving Society and is proud to teach all levels and programs within the Swim for Life curriculum.

Read through the descriptions listed below to learn more about the programs and levels available. When registering yourself or your child(ren) into our private lessons, please indicate the participant’s age or last completed swim level into the registration questionnaire.

Parent & Tot

Recommended age: 4 months-3 years old

The Lifesaving Society Parent & Tot Program structures in-water interaction between parent and child to stress the importance of play in developing water-positive attitudes and skills. Activities and progressions are based on child development, so parents register in the level appropriate for their child’s age: 4-12 months, 12-24 months, or 2-3 years.

  • Recommended age: 4-12 months.

    Parent & Tot 1 provides an orientation to water for infants and their parent/caregiver. Parents/caregivers will learn how to swim safely with their infant in the pool through instruction of holds and supports. Infants will be introduced to getting their face wet, blowing bubbles, and floating with the help of their caregiver.

  • Recommended age: 12-24 months.

    Parent & Tot 2 teaches toddlers how to play in the water safely! They’ll learn how to enter and exit the water with help from their caregiver and will play games to encourage getting their face wet and blow bubbles in the water. Toddlers will also develop floating and kicking skills with the support of their caregiver.

  • Recommended age: 2-3 years.

    Parent & Tot 3 teaches toddlers how to safely enter the water wearing a PFD. They’ll develop underwater skills such as submersion and opening their eyes underwater. “Starfish” floats, “pencil” floats and kicking skills are taught using songs and games.


The Swim for Life Preschool Program gives children a head start on learning to swim. They’ll have fun developing the basics to be safe and confident little swimmers. Water Smart® education is part of every Preschool level.

  • Recommended age: 3-5 years.

    Preschool 1 is a transitional level which transfers the preschooler to the care of the instructor. Preschoolers will have fun learning to get in and out of the water. They’ll learn how to put their face in the water, blow bubbles in the water, and how to float and glide.

  • Recommended: Completed Preschool 1.

    Preschool 2 teaches preschoolers how to safely jump into chest-deep water and how to swim wearing a PFD. They’ll learn submersion skills and continue to work on floats, glides, and kicking with buoyant objects.

  • Recommended: Completed Preschool 2.

    Preschool 3 teaches preschoolers how to enter deep water safely wearing a PFD. They’ll learn how to submerge and exhale underwater, retrieve objects underwater, and will continue developing their floating, gliding and kicking skills.

  • Recommended: Completed Preschool 3.

    Preschool 4 teaches deep-water entries and treading water wearing a PFD. Preschoolers will become skilled at retrieving objects from the bottom of the pool in chest-deep water and performing front and side glide. Front crawl wearing a PFD is introduced.

  • Recommended: Completed Preschool 4.

    Preschool 5 teaches Swim to Survive® skills wearing a PFD. Front crawl and back crawl are introduced as well as interval fitness training. Preschoolers will also learn how to tread water and perform vertical whip kick with a buoyant aid. Once complete, preschoolers register into Swimmer 2.


Swim for Life Swimmer levels make sure your child learns how to swim before they get in too deep. Each level challenges school aged children 5 years and older to develop safe entries, deep water support, underwater skills, and swimming strokes. Kids learn everlasting healthy habits by getting and staying fit. Swimmer levels include fun, hands on teaching activities that focus on teaching water safety — lessons that will last a lifetime!

  • Recommended age: 5-12 years.

    These beginners will become comfortable jumping into the water with and without a PFD. They’ll learn how to open their eyes, exhale and hold their breath underwater. Floats, glides and kicking skills are introduced.

  • Recommended: Completed Swimmer 1 or Preschool 5.

    These swimmers will jump into deeper water and learn to be comfortable falling sideways into the water wearing a PFD. They’ll learn how to tread water, develop kicking skills, and will be introduced to front crawl and back crawl.

  • Recommended: Completed Swimmer 2.

    These swimmers will learn how to dive and will do in-water somersaults and handstands to develop weight-transfer skills. They’ll learn Swim to Survive® skills, whip kick on back and will further develop their front crawl and back crawl.

  • Recommended: Completed Swimmer 3.

    These swimmers will become better at diving, treading water, and swimming underwater. They’ll learn the Swim to Survive® standard and start to develop breaststroke. Front crawl and back crawl are further developed.

  • Recommended: Completed Swimmer 4.

    These swimmers will master dives and swimming in deep water. They’ll further their Swim to Survive® skills and start to develop eggbeater kick. Breaststroke, front crawl, and back crawl are further developed. Interval training and sprinting drills continue to challenge these swimmers.

  • Recommended: Completed Swimmer 5.

    These swimmers will become proficient at deep water skills including stride entries and compact jumps. They’ll develop lifesaving kicks such as eggbeater and scissor kick. Breaststroke, front crawl, and back crawl are further developed. Head-up swims, interval training and a 300m workout develop strength and endurance.

Adult Swimmer

Whether you're just starting out or want help with your strokes, our Adult Swimmer Program is for the young at heart — no matter what your age. Whether your goals are to learn the basics or gain skill with swimming strokes your instructor will be able to provide you the support that you need. Teens and adults alike will develop water confidence and smooth, strong strokes to use for lane swimming or be fit enough for the beach.

  • You’ll work towards 10-15m swim on your front and back. You’ll learn safe entries into shallow and deep water, develop skills while wearing a PFD, and learn breath control and underwater skills. Floats, glides, flutter kick and vertical whip kick are introduced. You’ll develop your fitness through interval training and learn how to perform front crawl and back crawl.

  • Recommended: Completed Adult 1.

    Develop your fitness by working on two interval training workouts, sprints, and further developing your front crawl and back crawl. You’ll learn Swim to Survive® skills and further develop deep water entries/skills while wearing a PFD. Whip kick is further developed along with an introduction to breaststroke.

  • Recommended: Completed Adult 2.

    You’ll master front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke. Continue your fitness training with a 300m workout, sprint challenges and interval training. You’ll learn eggbeater, diving, and compact jumps. Further develop treading water and underwater skills.

Fitness Swimmer

Fitness Swimmer is for any one of any age who wants to learn how to design their own individualized workout. Learn to use pace clocks and timers and reach your target zone. Get in, get fit and create workouts that are worthy of your time!

  • Pace Clocks and Timers

  • Stretches for Swimmers

  • Kicking Interval training

  • Swimming Interval training

  • Workout – 300 m

  • Workout Design

  • Distance Swim

  • Sprint Swim