about us

Coach Jessica

Jessica Rahman is a certified Swim for Life Trainer and affiliate of the Lifesaving Society. Jessica has over 20 years of experience working in Aquatics; she has taught all ages and abilities throughout her career. Considering her lengthy career in Aquatics, her passion for teaching people water safe behaviours and swimming techniques surpasses that of a typical swimming instructor.

In her early years, Jessica envisioned becoming an elementary school teacher, so naturally, becoming a swimming instructor was the perfect stepping stone. After teaching and lifeguarding for the City, Jessica quickly climbed into a supervisory role, and became a National Trainer through the Canadian Red Cross. From there, she taught advanced instructor courses at multiple local cities across the Lower Mainland, ultimately deciding to dedicate her career to Aquatics.

Water safety first

Jessica started @WaterSafetyFirst on Instagram to share her knowledge and passion for water safety in July 2020 while on maternity leave with her twin girls. When she returned to her full-time Aquatic Programmer job, with the city, in September 2020, she quickly realized that the desk job wasn't for her!

Jessica loves to be active, hands-on, and feeling like she has a true impact on helping people learn to swim.

water safety education

Jessica also has a passion for teaching Aquatic Fitness and is a certified Aquatic Fitness Instructor and Supervisor of Fitness Leaders, through the BCRPA. She teaches aqua fitness to seniors at a retirement residence one day a week.  She has been an active volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross working on various Water Safety education initiatives. She has volunteered her time as a media spokesperson, taught online CPR and safety courses to elementary school children across Canada, and has created water safety video content to share safety tips.